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What is StoP?

  • StoP wants equality in society.

  • StoP informs and brings the topic into the public space.

  • StoP creates networks in the neighborhood.

  • StoP begins when you and your neighbors work togetherto become active.

  • StoP offers rooms for workshops and meetings.

Intimate partner violence and domestic violence are widespread and occur everywhere and in all social classes.

Women*, FLINTA and children are particularly affected by this violence. My neighbor* is experiencing partner violence, what can I do? Click here.

StoP “Neighbourhoods without partner violence” is a community work project:
Here, the neighborhood can network and work together to improve conditions in the neighborhood. Through civil courage and joint actions, neighbors can take a stand against partner violence.

StoP Neukölln is in the Körnerkiez.


StoP already exists in many German cities and over 30 projects are anchored in Austria.

The concept was developed by Prof. Dr. Sabine Stövesand from the HAW Hamburg. Here is the link to the nationwide StoP page.


How you can get involved: Come along to our Kiez-Treff - we look forward to seeing you!

Every 4th Tuesday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Because partner violence affects us all.

Let us not remain silent .

This is us!
Isa Lammaghi & Jana Bargmann
Project coordination StoP Neukölln



"Violence against women raises the question less about the quality of a relationship than about the quality of a community."
(Carol Hagemann-White).

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